CERTIFY.me | Workforce Management | Security Services
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  • July 30, 2020
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CERTIFY SnapXT Provides A Sense of Ease To The Employees At Susan Gage Caterers

Susan Gage Catering Company has been serving the Washington DC area since it was founded in 1986. Recently, Susan Gage Caterers have been working hard to put together and deliver meals to essential workers. It was their ultimate goal to create a safe and healthy environment for their staff to return to work from this Pandemic. With the CERTIFY SnapXT they have done exactly that.

We got the chance to talk with Chappell Gage, of Susan Gage Caterers, who gave us information on how our SnapXT is helping them around their workplace. Chappel Gage mentioned to us that he was “really concerned with assembling the device, but it was incredibly easy. The tech came in without issue, and had us going in about 10 minutes, and our staff were immediately able to come over and start checking their temperatures. It was kind of amazing! I’m not used to technology working like that.”

For your staff,  the CERTIFY SnapXT offers touchless onboarding, thermal scan & Check In, daily COVID-19 questionnaires, and auto notification that insures. The SnapXT accurately measures an individual’s temperature in less than one second. Our predefined experiences and workflows can be customized to alert personnel of individuals who engage the CERTIFY solution with a temperature that exceeds the threshold set by your organization. Along with it’s sub-second thermal scanning the CERTIFY SnapXT provides a plethora of customizable experiences that can be selected and managed from the CERTIFY.me Cloud or from the SnapXT Device. Workflows are configurable by you with just one touch and available at the SnapXT Device level enabling seamless Customer, Staff and Vendor Thermal Scanning experiences making it the best option for Susan Gage Caterers.

Employees at Susan Gage Catering company say “It’s accurate and fast,” “Gives me a sense of safety,” and that it “Puts everyone’s mind at ease.” Having the SnapXT in your office will provide you with the same sense of ease that it does for the employees at Susan Gage Caterers. As more businesses struggle to create a safe, comfortable return for employees, customers, and vendors, thermal management has become an integral tool in providing immediate, visual, contactless scanning. Certify, a demonstrated healthcare technology provider since 2012, pioneered touchless registration and face-based check-in, two hallmarks of its latest innovation. The company recently announced a strategic addition to its product line, SnapXT, a fully integrated Thermal Management Platform, that is quickly finding its way into major hospitality and retail chains, hopeful crowded sports arenas, medical facilities, and more.

SnapXT’s thermal scanner reads body temperatures within 6 feet in less than one second and customizes SMS alerts and a variety of reporting for high temperature notifications. The dual facial recognition cameras (IR & RGB) incorporate a state-of-the-art NIST-compliant facial recognition algorithm and NFC, RFID, and QR Code reading technology. Completely customizable and configurable, the platform can be managed on the device or in the Certify.me cloud, including true mobile device management. Among its many competitive advantages, SnapXT is HiTrust, ISO27001, HIPPA compliant and Microsoft Azure hosted.

Certify has been an internationally recognized leader in customer engagement and biometric and touchless healthcare technology solutions since 2012. The company has customized and patented a variety of solutions for some of the nation’s largest hospital systems. Staffing more than 100 programmers worldwide, Certify has more than 30,000 deployments and tens of millions of end users and patients on its signature platform. More information on its latest innovations in Thermal Management Solutions at certify.me and healthcare-specific patient engagement solutions at certifyhealth.com.